sexta-feira, setembro 28, 2007

International Conference Museums in Education. Training museum educators.

Entitled Museums in Education. Training museum educators, the conference will take into consideration current studies and analyses of methodological innovations which have acquired a growing importance for educational programmes development within the context of the type of activities offered by museums.
All the subjects covered by the conference are intended to reflect on areas of knowledge, questions of method and other issues related to a correct training of museum educators, which has not yet been consolidated into a well-defined model. In this sense, one of the conference’s priorities will be to reflect on some of the new or forthcoming investigative directions in this line of knowledge.
In order to do so, the conference has been divided into four blocks of thematically interrelated papers, to be delivered by leading experts. The relationship between museums and educational centres in the present day is the linking theme between the four blocks.

Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza (Madrid)
9, 10 e 11 Abril 2008

Mais informações:
I International Conference Museums in Education

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